A ground floor of permeable public realm, street vendors and cafe space, with 72 kitchens sat at the upper levels. Providing 300 jobs for the local area. A new building typology looking to reinvent the way urban environments work from a food development, delivery and production standpoint.
The proposal looks to seamlessly stitch the public offer into the wider urban realm, stepping back from the site boundary to both the South and North, offering pockets of ‘green’ space to the public realm and connecting to the wider Neasden masterplan. The newly established public realm allows the commercial spaces at ground floor to extend and activate these public squares of landscaping, blurring the boundaries between outdoor and indoor whilst activating frontages and providing pleasant defensible space.
Strategies to improve workspace, enhance accessibility to the wider environment both on foot and by public transportation, stitching together a series of green spaces, engaging public realm and a permeable thread of pedestrian routes will create a sustainable neighbourhood that can act as a catalyst for change.
This vision, which is underpinned by the urban design framework that has been considered within the SPD, will lead to physical, social and economic regeneration for the wider environment of Brent. The importance of regenerating around the stations themselves are fundamental principles in order to maximise the possibilities and drive improvements in the area.
Strategies to improve workspace, enhance accessibility to the wider environment both on foot and by public transportation, stitching together a series of green spaces, engaging public realm and a permeable thread of pedestrian routes will create a sustainable neighbourhood that can act as a catalyst for change.
This vision, which is underpinned by the urban design framework that has been considered within the SPD, will lead to physical, social and economic regeneration for the wider environment of Brent. The importance of regenerating around the stations themselves are fundamental principles in order to maximise the possibilities and drive improvements in the area.
Full Massing, Maximise the site’s potential.
Lift ground floor, to allow maximum pedestrian permeability
Public realm offer, adjacent to the train station with a hive of activity for local residents to enjoy.