Redevelopment of a back-land brownfield site providing 5 family houses. The scheme is arranged in a run of terraces and a separate detached dwelling, providing a central shared amenity space in the heart of this new community.
Redevelopment of a back-land brownfield site in Haringey providing five dual-aspect units arranged within a mews development comprising four terraced and one detached home. The site is set back from Fortis Green and is situated within a secluded and quiet setting towards the rear of the four-storey apartment building at Lynton Grange. Being a mews development, there was potential to create a pleasant shared space for residents to enjoy, as well as a green surfaced public communal amenity space at the heart of the scheme.
The pitched typology along the terraced houses responds to the context by breaking down the mass in a similar manner to the historic context. The articulated façade provides opportunities for defensible space in front of each unit but also directs views to minimise overlooking. This not only breaks down the mass but provides the impression of individual homes that form part of a terrace.
As referred to earlier within this document, the design, layout and massing of the building envelope has been sculpted over the course of the design dialogue with Haringey Council to develop a scheme which sits comfortably within its context.
A key move has been to split the run of terrace units into two blocks, breaking down the scale of the development. The varying roof pitches and forms also provide further visual relief.
The space created by the break in the terrace run and the stand alone dwelling has multiple functions. As a greened space, it offers the opportunity for communal amenity, communal bin store and a vehicular turning circle. Primarily, it provides clear views of the trees vegetation through the gap, creating a sense of space between the buildings.