100% affordable, car free, 35 unit residential tower on New Cross Road with associated communal landscape and roof terraces. Assisting Lewisham with the local demand for quality affordable housing.
Sitting on the doorstep to the studio, this scheme is close to our hearts and homes. From the outset, the focus on helping provide high quality social housing for the local community was imperative. The 11 storey residential tower which is 100% affordable and car free, offers 35 light and spacious units situated on New Cross Road, with incredible views out over the London skyline.
The principle of the scheme is to respond to the urban grid of New Cross Road and Kender Street, folding the building into its unique form to open up views, mitigate overlooking and release a new green play space to the rear. The lower podium element anchors the building into the neighbouring three-storey streetscape. It is articulated by rusticated brick banding inspired by locally listed buildings.
Unlocking this site hinged on understanding the impact of a residential tower with existing low rise units on either side. The key design move of creating a low level podium that stitches into the existing streetscape gives the continuation of grain and form, allowing the set back taller block to comfortably sit in its context.
Planning – Given the scale and location of the project, consultation with the London Design Review Panel was required along with Greater London Authority. Roadblocks were hit early on due to concerns over deliverability of the neighbouring site. This hurdle was overcome by collaborating with local artists at Goldsmith University to create a large mural on the flank facade, stitching into the existing brick lattice. This rigorous planning process helped craft a successful scheme through multiple design iterations to an end product that was accepted and complemented by the Local Planning Authority.
Planning – Given the scale and location of the project, consultation with the London Design Review Panel was required along with Greater London Authority. Roadblocks were hit early on due to concerns over deliverability of the neighbouring site. This hurdle was overcome by collaborating with local artists at Goldsmith University to create a large mural on the flank facade, stitching into the existing brick lattice. This rigorous planning process helped craft a successful scheme through multiple design iterations to an end product that was accepted and complemented by the Local Planning Authority.
Location – It is always rewarding to deliver high quality solutions in your backyard. As the site is within minutes of the studio, this enabled the team to understand the nuances of existing constraints and opportunities surrounding the site. Proximity to the Old Kent Road AAP was a strong starting point to focus on achieving a high density, high quality housing solution.
Massing – To the North of the site are a number of 10 storey tower blocks, whilst to the South, the scale drops significantly to 2-3 storey town houses. The proposal merges the two contrasting scales together with a ten storey block to the front facing New Cross Road with steps down into seven and two storey elements which address the scale of the houses to the rear, as well as the existing New Cross Road streetscape.
Amenity – On such a constrained site where density is paramount, creation of high quality green space can be a challenge. Playspace and communal space have been carefully considered to offer an imaginative and inviting collection of external spaces, shielded from the noise and pollution of New Cross Road. Privacy for ground floor units is achieved with screening at the boundary of their private amenity. Overlooking from these units into neighbouring properties is also reduced by this and the additional greenery proposed within the site.